We, the Timpanogos, are a humble people, we stand beneath creator and give thanks for all he has given us. In history we were
written as a strong nation and that we remain. The many faces of our people are like the shades of the rainbow. Each holding their own beauty. We have walked a hard road and give thanks for where it has brought us. We have seen the times of plenty, that we might know contentment. We have seen the times of poverty, that we might know appreciation. We have met with disagreements, that we might learn to communicate. We have met many faces, that we might know diversity. And for all these things we give thanks. Dama Appet', the highest power, has carried us to where we are today.
Our hunters remember the respect for the animals they take, they
remember that life is precious and must be honored. Our craftsmen, when building a bow, arrowhead, knife, weaving a rope, or making a Childs' toy remember that the materials needed are all given from the creator. Our beaders know that the importance of prayer makes the work easier and adds to the beauty.
Our desire for the future is for our children to remember these things. That they grow strong in the knowledge that their ancestors must be remembered and our people must continue to
keep their ways. They were kind to new-comers, and we should honor that. Though we were made to walk knee deep in the blood of our ancestors we must forgive and free our souls. The anguish that has held us captive must be released and allow the new sunlight to refresh our lives. We must remember that their prayers have carried us to a place of renewed strengths. Like our mountain that bears our name Timpanogos, we were, we are, and we shall remain.